Spring Award Ceremony
Mark your calendars! Join us Wednesday, May 17 for our Spring Award Ceremony! Athletes will get to dress up in their nice clothes and enjoy a time of food and celebration. Families are invited. We will have a Chick-Fil-A dinner and give awards to the players. Come celebrate with us!
WHO: Spring Soccer & Football Teams.
WHAT: Award Ceremony
WHEN: Wednesday May 17, 6:30pm
WHERE: Forcey Christian School (Fellowship Hall)
COST: Adults: $8 / Youth (8th Grade & younger): $5 / Athletes: Free
Dress for the athletes:
Gentlemen: Nice pants and a polo or button-down shirt. Tie is optional.
Ladies: Nice pants and blouse or sweater. Dress is optional
No T-Shirts, sweatpants or shorts. No holes or cutouts in jeans.
Tickets will be sold for the event.
Adults: $8
Youth (8th grade & younger): $5
Athletes: Free