Co-Ed Flag Football Tryouts
We're in the process of getting Flag Football off the ground. Being completely transparent, we do not have games scheduled yet, but I'm in talks with several schools in the area that are looking to play this season. So, I want to get a team together in order to be ready to go once we get some games on the schedule.
Below is some important information about Flag Football. Please take the time to read this important information carefully.
Students participating in any school sport must have an athletic physical on file. Blank athletic physicals can be found here (https://fcsathletics.school/athletic-forms/). Athletic physicals are good for one school year.
The athletic fee for this year is $100 per student. If your young athlete makes the roster. This fee will not be due until I can confirm a game schedule.
WHO: 6th-8th Grade Boys & Girls
WHEN: THURS, March 2nd
TIME: 3:45pm - 5:45pm
WHERE: Forcey Christian School
Coach Burgess
Athletic Director / Physical Education
Forcey Christian School